Sunday, February 6, 2011


 The Wai`oli Hu'ia Church Choir is well known for its skill in singing and for its repertoire of early Hawaiian hymns which are sung each Sunday at the 10:00 AM service.  It's interesting hearing the Hawaiian language as scripture is being read or familiar hymns are sung.  We attended this church this morning where the pastor reminded us that "though we are happy when we're at the beach, we need to remain 'joyful' even when we have to leave" (my paraphrase).  We decided he was speaking directly to us since we leave this beautiful island tomorrow morning.

The rain started around noon and the afternoon was spent reading, packing, napping, packing, listening to the rain, and packing.  HOW did this stuff fit in the first time?!  
We did decide the rainy day was good for helping us re-enter life on the mainland.  The humidity was a reminder for Deon & Raymond and their return to Florida, and the gray was a foretaste of days to come for us in Indiana.  

It's been a simply wonderful month in Paradise, but it's time to say ALOHA!
(Aloha means both hello and goodbye)

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