Tuesday, January 11, 2011


After a l-o-n-g day of travel, and a longer wait for a rental car (of course, Bob HAD to have a red convertible), we arrived at our condo. We got up yesterday at 4:00am (Goshen time) and arrived at the condo at 3:30am (Goshen time). At least it didn't take us 24 hours of travel to get here. But it was all worth it. The condo is even better than we expected and as Jeff the condo owner promised--it IS toothbrush clean!!
We don't want to make anyone jealous, but this is where one has morning coffee in Kauai! Lovin' it!
P.S. After receiving a 6:00am call from Indiana this morning, just want to remind all that we ARE 5 hours earlier than Eastern time!
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1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it there safely! That was one LONG day, but you made it out just in time; Goshen is under "snow advisory" again. (Ben told me that the school announcements today said that Ski Club was cancelled because of the snow. HA!)

    Also, despite your disclaimer, I *am* a little jealous. But that's ok -- tell us more! :)
