Sunday, January 9, 2011

Drawing the calves....

This is my first attempt at blogging, so we'll see what happens.  We leave at 5:00am in the morning and we both are "drawing the calves" before we leave.  You'll have to talk to someone in the Leo Hostetler family to find out about that!
Bob gets anxious about flying and I get anxious about going to a place that is a tiny dot in a big blue space on the map.  But we'll both do it for the warm weather and the sunshine and the beauty of Kauai.  And it helps that we are leaving the -3 degree weather that we had this morning.   I do have to admit, the snow was beautiful today--but I still want to leave it.

Tomorrow is a travel day but hope to have some photos of beautiful Kauai to share soon!


  1. Yay, you did it! Looks great & can't wait to read more! (the palm tree background alone takes the edge off my chill this morning...)

  2. Just noticed that I had to pick a profile (blogger, google, AIM account, etc) to leave a comment. If you change that setting so that "anonymous" users can leave a comment, too, your friends & family without accounts could respond more easily. (Just a little bloggy tip for the day...) :)

  3. We had five inches of snow last night, and the city is shut down, so I too am awaiting those tropical pics!

  4. Can't believe you left Indiana, and your cute little Bug, just to visit Hawaii in January! or did you pack the Bug in a very large carry-on?
