Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thurs., Jan 13

After a rainy beginning yesterday, the sun was out by 10:00am and we had blue skies until late afternoon when it began to drizzle off and on.  One of the local people declared that everyplace in the world was having either rain or snow--except for Kauai.  We took a long walk and came across this Albatross, only about 5 feet from the walking path.  The Albatross lays one egg in Dec., sits on it until it hatches in Feb., then both parents spend a lot of time feeding out in the water, often leaving the chick behind for days at a time.  But they always come back.  Sometime in late summer they all fly away, usually gone for 2-3 years before they return.  That's your nature lesson on extinct Hawaiian birds for today.

Once again, rain during the night and early morning, but by 10:00am the sunshine is out.  Love the rainbows we are seeing throughout the day! We headed to Kapa'a to our favorite walking path, but the rain changed our plans, so back in the car and back to the North Shore to Anini Beach where the sun was still shining.  Raymond, the rains are going to have to stop so you can hike the Kalalau Trail--here's what the signs say at the trailhead:

1 comment:

  1. I like the way the tree branch is pointing to the low rainbow!!
