Sunday, January 30, 2011


Love to view the sunrise from the lanai with my coffee in hand!  Was another beautiful morning but the heavy rains began soon after this view.  We settled in for a rainy day but by 10:00 the rain had stopped and the sun was shining and soon the sky was blue.  Bob was still recovering from a bit too much sun from the catamaran cruise so decided to stay away from snorkeling today.  Raymond & Deon went to Anini Beach to snorkel and Bob & I went on a walk and a search for Hideaways Beach.  We'd seen pictures of Hideaways Beach, people had told us about Hideaways Beach, we'd even seen it on the map, but we had never been able to find the path which led to the beach.  I finally asked a local woman for directions, she led me to the path.  When I remarked that we hadn't been able to find it, she smiled and said, "That's why it's called Hideaways Beach."  The steep stairs and path which lead to the beach have a rope strung so one can hang on for dear life while going down.  Bob waited at the top while I went to check it out.  It was worth the scramble down.  Just when you think you've seen all the pretty beaches you can see, here's ANOTHER one!   And we've been told the snorkeling is great.  So this will be the next snorkeling stop--at least for some of us.  We've been told there can be a surging tide, so count me out!   And Bob can't make it down to the beach, so that leaves Raymond and Deon to report on the water.  
On the way down to HIDEAWAYS BEACH


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