Saturday, January 22, 2011


Kilauea Lighthouse Point
What an amazing day!  We realized all day we just kept saying, "WOW!" as we took in all that was around us.  Started out the day at the Kilauea Lighthouse Point and the National Bird Sanctuary--as Albatross circled overhead we watched humpback whales, seals, and dolphins in the water.

Bob's wife had to gently remind him that he might want to consider holding his map another way the next time he looks through the binoculars.......        

               The North Shore, looking from Kilauea Point all the way to Ke'e Beach.

Next it was time to check out the Kalalau Trail.  We kept hearing the view was worth the hike.  But that's a lot of rocks for someone who can't handle an uneven sidewalk....
And then there's that gray area between bravery and stupidity....

             The view was incredible!   Another WOW moment!

We only made it to the .25 mile view,
and it still took 1 1/2 hr.  Coming down was much harder than going up, and it helped that Bob's #@!!$#@! Belgian determination (stubbornness?) kicked in or he'd still be up there somewhere!

Ke'e Beach in the afternoon
We stopped to rest and recover and watch the incredible waves in the shade at Ke'e beach.  The beach was closed to snorkeling because of the dangerous water today.   
While we were there a Monk Seal lumbered out of the water to rest in the sand.  WOW!  They are an endangered mammal and everyone backed away to let the poor fella rest.



  1. Uhmmm...."gray area"?? Really??

    Ok, ok, I'll try to keep my mouth shut. I'm glad you guys made it safely! And that view really is incredible.

    --your loving daughter.

  2. The Kar art was fun, but don't hold a candle to the incredible views you are enjoying.
