Saturday, January 15, 2011


We did it!!  We both actually went snorkeling.  Not a big deal for most of you, but....... Backing up a bit, our first mistake was to put our flippers on in the sand and then try and walk forwards into the water--1) Bob can't lift his left leg high enough to walk with flippers on and 2) no one can walk in the water going forwards with flippers on.  Oh, and did I mention that I had a "floatie" band attached around my waist?  I tried to act like I wasn't the only one on the ENTIRE beach with one of those on.  Almost had 2 beached whales on Anini Beach!  We did get our laugh for the day.  Our first time out was a little stressful for both of us.  I spent most of the time trying to convince my body that I COULD still breathe with my face in the water--you probably could hear my fast, heavy breathing!  And Bob could not control his left leg with flippers on and just couldn't move or get back into an upright position.  We took some time out, enjoyed the scenery and the weather, calmed down and then tried again with MUCH better success.  I made it to some neat coral reefs with beautiful tropical fish and was able to slow my breathing almost to normal.  Bob then went out (with my "floatie" on!) and without his flippers and had a great time--saw some giant sea turtles as well as the fish.  Even though we applied suntan lotion, our backs are evidence of our snorkel time today.  Great fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you did it!! Glad you could conquer the water & see the sights! I got quite a kick out of your description of the 2 of you trying to walk in your flippers. Heeee
